End of Sale (EOS) Notice SN4130, SN4170, SN5530, SN5570 Issue REV# 1.0
End Of SaleNotice
EoS SmartNode SN4130, SN4170, SN5530, SN5570
Replacements SN4131, SN4171, SN5531, SN5571
Due to the fast evolvement of VoIP, routing, and SBC functionalities being developed by Patton for the SmartNode product line, more and more system memory is being used. To cope with the increased memory needs, accommodating features being made available in the future, a bigger memory Flash chip is being added to all the products mentioned below.
As a consequence an End of Sales on the existing products is done.
On current orders, you will be informed by our sales representative; your orders will be transitioned to the bigger memory devices. If you insist on the SmartNode model you ordered – last orders will be executed until April 15, 2017.
Support on the EoS SmartNode models will continue to be available to you.
Notice Date: March 24, 2017
Last Order Date: April 15, 2017
Manufacture Discontinue (MD) Date: April 30, 2017
Market Regions Affected: Worldwide
*Product support will continue within standard Trinity release cycles
End of Sale (EOS) Notice SN4130, SN4170, SN5530, SN5570 Issue REV# 1.0
This End-of-Sale (EOS) notice involves the Manufacture Discontinue (MD) of the Patton SmartNode SN4130, SN4170, SN5530, SN5570 BRI/PRI Gateway and eSBC.
A fully equivalent and Hardware upgraded product line is available with the Patton SmartNode SN4131, SN4171, SN5531, SN5571 BRI/PRI Gateway and eSBC. A detailed list of the EOS and successor product SKUs affected is provided above.
End of Sale Definition – This notice serves as formal communication of Patton Electronics intent to stop selling the product(s) noted.
Product warranty will be valid for any units purchased for up to 1 year past the purchase date.
Product repairs may be performed in accordance with customer specific service plans and upgrade agreements as negotiated prior to EOS or for up to 1 year past the purchase date.
Product technical support continues to be supported within the standard software release cycles. Refer to the corresponding release notes for details on supported models.
Software support with upgrades and the possibility for bug fixes will continue for at least 2 years from the manufacturers discontinue date.
Reason for EOS
Software Support: The fast evolvement of VoIP, routing, and SBC functionalities being developed by Patton for the SmartNode product line, more and more system memory is being used. To cope with the increased memory needs, accommodating features being made available in the future, a bigger memory Flash chip is being added.
To track the hardware upgrade and revision there will be a change in the existing model number. The 0 in the root model will now change to 1 to differentiate the successor products.
End of Sale (EOS) Notice SN4130, SN4170, SN5530, SN5570 Issue REV# 1.0
Software support, on the existing models, will continue for at least 2 years with available upgrades and the possibility for bug fixes.
Note: Although Patton will continue to support software for the EOS models, there could be future limitations on the availability of new features.
Successor Products
The successor products SN4131, SN4171, SN5531, and SN5571 are a direct replacement to the EOS product series and provide equivalent features. The successor products are capable to run Trinity and the configuration files from the EOS products can be applied to the successor models. The functionality, configuration, and hardware, from a customer view, stay exactly the same. The number “1” in the root of the model number identifies the new revision of the product. The “1” means you have a successor model with increased memory capacity. The successor models are ready for future software upgrades that will require more memory to host new features.